The scholarship
The Gottfried Böhm Scholarship supports architects and urban planners in the postgraduate phase who are particularly interested in the connection between architecture and urban development. Under the patronage of Cologne's mayor Henriette Reker the one-year residency scholarship takes place in the metropolis of Cologne. The scholarship holder is given the opportunity to work for one year on creative and visionary tasks in architecture and urban development for Cologne and its periphery. For this period he or she will receive free accommodation, a workplace in a creative environment in the heart of the city and a monthly grant totaling 2,500 euros. The scholarship is offered and supervised by the Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Technischen Hochschule Köln e.V. (Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences).
With a renowned tutor the scholarship holder receives individual professional support throughout the one-year residency. In addition an advisory committee is available to support him or her.
In order to publicly present and honor the work results of the residency fellowship mayor Reker in cooperation with the TH Köln and dem Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Technischen Hochschule e.V. (Friends and Sponsors of the Technical University) invite the public to a festive event at Cologne City Hall to mark the end of the fellowship. Afterwards the urban planning ideas will be exhibited for two weeks in the atrium of the Spanish Building.
»New buildings
should fit naturally into
their sourroundings. «
The next application round is open until 31/05/2025.